Demolition Voyage Management
We are experts in total management of all type of demolition vessels providing end to end solution. We are assisting our owners to takeover all kinds of vessel on “as is where is” or “Delivered” basis
Our Ship and Shore team will manage ships with reasonable costing and unmatched efficiency. Our Team will exceed client’s requirement to perform demolition voyage of ships.
Our Superintendent will attend vessel at the time of taking over to help in process and reactivation of ship. Our Shore team monitor vessel on 24 X 7 basis to micro manage the ship to achieve cost effective demo (Last) voyage.
We assist and involve our self in all phases of Demolition voyage namely;
- Pre Purchase Inspection
- Budgeting
- Crewing
- Flag change / Ownership registration.
- Class certification / Survey coordination.
- Supplies for the voyage.
- Insurance supports and coordination with warranty surveyors.
- Bunkering.
- Vessel preparation for the sea passage / voyage.
- Monitoring the sea passage on 24 X 7 basis.
- Beaching vessel and delivery to end buyers on confirmation from owners.